Sports Equipment Sale Office Letterheads

An office letterhead is important and you should design it carefully. It helps let people know more about your business. This is true when it comes to a sports equipment sale office as well. If you want to show your professionalism, you need to know how to create the best office letterhead.

What is a sports equipment sale office letterhead?

A sports equipment sale office letterhead is the one that this office includes on the topmost sheet of their business paper. It will include the company’s name, address, as well as a business logo.

Importance of a sports equipment sale office letterhead:

A sports equipment sale office letterhead is important as it conveys vital details to the recipient. It lets them know which company the document is from. The recipient can even contact the office easily with the help of the details stated on the official letterhead. A professional look is given to the document with this. You can keep your brand consistent and also advertise your services with it.

Tips to create a sports equipment sale office letterhead:

If you need to make a sports equipment sale office letterhead, it should only include the important details. You must not add anything extra as it can make it look congested. The followings tips can be kept in mind when creating it:

  • Margin specifications: The letterhead is generally printed upon the top or maybe bottom half of the company documents. It can be 8.5” x 11” when it comes to size. It must be at least 0.8” from the top area of the page. The margins must be at least ¼” on the sides plus the bottom.
  • Font: Before selecting a font, figure out your office’s branding style. You can then adjust the fonts, colors, as well as sizes here. Your brand is a sports one so you can choose a bold font for this. It should be able to grab attention. You can even consider making a custom font that can allow the office letterhead to stand out. The size and color should be perfect as well.
  • Details about your business: The business name is one of the most important details on the letterhead. Make it at least 2 points bigger than the other information. This includes your phone number, fax as well as an email address. You may put the business name in another font color so that it can coordinate with the colors that your logo has. You will need to add the business name, logo, address, website, phone number, as well as email address on the letterhead. If your logo already has a website and email address, you do not need to add this. Include the links to your social media accounts as well. You can build your online presence like this.

Final words:

From the above, you can see that a sports equipment sale office letterhead is something important which you should design carefully. It helps market your business and give an impression of it.

Sample Templates are given below:


Sports Equipment Sale Office Letterheads
Sports Equipment Sale Office Letterheads
Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 4MB


Sports Equipment Sale Office Letterheads
Sports Equipment Sale Office Letterheads
Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 3MB


Sports Equipment Sale Office Letterheads
Sports Equipment Sale Office Letterheads
Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 2MB


Sports Equipment Sale Office Letterheads
Sports Equipment Sale Office Letterheads
Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 2MB


Sports Equipment Sale Office Letterheads
Sports Equipment Sale Office Letterheads
Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 3MB