Editable Small Business Letterhead Templates

As you start your new business, you must work on lots of things because you know in the beginning, you will have to fight for your survival. Whenever a brand starts its operation in a market, one of the first things it starts with is designing a letterhead.

Why does a small business need a letterhead?

The letterhead is used to impart a first impression on the potential customer of the business. Many customers don’t know the small business when it is in the embryonic stage. So, when they use letterhead, they try to prove that they are as competent in the market as their competitors who are now popular.

How can a small company get a letterhead?

It has been mentioned that letterhead is very important for every brand, especially small brands. Therefore, they should seek the assistance of a professional graphic designer who is experienced and knows what customers in the market are interested in. It is very easy for a company to get the letterhead it deserves when it chooses quality over everything.

How can a small business succeed with the help of letterhead?

For any business, the sole purpose of the letterhead should be to create brand awareness among people. When people start to recognize a brand, they tend to choose it for buying various products and services. So, a company needs to use letterhead on everything single correspondence they use to reach out to their customers.

When a company has chosen a relevant and suitable letterhead, it should print it on its memo cards, writing pads, receipts, invoices, compliment slips, envelopes, business cards, and every other thing used for establishing communication between a company and its customers.

What does the letterhead of a small company look like?

Show consistency:

It is very important to make such a type of company stationery document, that is in accordance with the image a company is trying to create. If your stationery document does not match the image of the company, it will create confusion among customers. Furthermore, it will give a message that the company which is using inconsistent letterhead is not trustworthy.

Pay attention to the brand image:

When you create a brand image with the help of letterhead, you should be sure that you are attracting a particular type of client who would like to work with you. Remember that people will be ready to work with you only when they find that what you are trying to portray matches their priorities and business needs.

Give a suitable impression:

The impression you impart through the use of letterhead matters a lot. You can’t achieve favorable results when you have not worked on imparting the right type of impression. Therefore, your letterhead should tell what type of company you have started and what is the nature of work and services you provide.

The company should showcase the same logo on the letterhead that it portrays for its brand identification.

How can using a template be beneficial?

There are many benefits of using the template. Some of them are given below:

It is easy to edit:

Using a template allows you to make the letterhead in whichever way you want. The template can be edited and therefore, the user can add the design, pictures, and font of his choice. Editing enables the user to customize and add his logo to the letterhead of the correspondence.

It saves time and money:

When you use the template, you can get a letterhead without having to get help from the graphic designer. This way, you can save time since various graphic designers require time and also charge hefty amounts for designing a letterhead. If you have a high level of requirements, you will have to spend more money. However, the template can fulfill your requirements without costing you anything.

You can change the design:

If you want to change the design after some time, you can easily do it by using the template. The template will welcome the change and allow you to bring modifications to the existing design.

Sample Letterhead Templates given:


Size: Letterhead 8.5″ X 11″
File: [Personal Use Only]
Size: 2MB



Size: Letterhead 8.5″ X 11″
File: [Personal Use Only]
Size: 2MB



Size: Letterhead 8.5″ X 11″
File: [Personal Use Only]
Size: 2MB



Size: Letterhead 8.5″ X 11″
File: [Personal Use Only]
Size: 2MB



Size: Letterhead 8.5″ X 11″
File: [Personal Use Only]
Size: 2MB



Size: Letterhead 8.5″ X 11″
File: [Personal Use Only]
Size: 2MB



Size: Letterhead 8.5″ X 11″
File: [Personal Use Only]
Size: 2MB



Size: Letterhead 8.5″ X 11″
File: [Personal Use Only]
Size: 2MB



Size: Letterhead 8.5″ X 11″
File: [Personal Use Only]
Size: 2MB



Size: Letterhead 8.5″ X 11″
File: [Personal Use Only]
Size: 2MB
