Building Material Office Letterheads

A building material office is used to sell the materials required for building construction. It includes a wide variety of materials including bricks, concrete, wood, stone, and steel. Other materials like timber, PVC pipes, glass, aluminum, paint, and asbestos sheet are also traded. Big profit returns have made this business very popular lately.

A letterhead is a brief introduction of the firm printed in the header and the footer of every page used for internal and external communication. For a building material sales office, having an impressive letterhead is important because it gives the office a professional and respectable image and also enables the customers to have all the contact information handy so that they can access the firm whenever they require. Also, it serves as a marketing tool to attract potential customers.

The contents of a building material sale office letterhead would include:

  • Logo of the firm: A well-made logo following the business theme, makes the letterhead and in turn, the business, look very impressive and professional. The size of the logo should be medium i.e. neither too big nor too small.
  • The name of the firm: It should be written in the middle in a clear font. It should be the most prominent thing in the header to attract the attention of the person looking at the letterhead.
  • Tag line: The mission statement of the building material sale office should be printed under its name. it should be short but impressive and clarify the goal/aim of the business. In the case of old businesses, it is highly recommended to mention the year the company was established, as it adds credibility and is bound to impress the customer. For example, XYZ building Material From -providing the best building material since 1983
  • The name of the owner: Since a building material business depends a lot on the trust the customer puts in, the name of the person who owns it and is running the business must be mentioned, as it gives a personal touch to the business and people find it more reliable and trustworthy.
  • Contact information of the owner: The owner of the building materials business needs to be accessible at all times and contact information in the form of phone number and email address should be provided on the letterhead. The phone number mentioned here should be one at which the owner can be accessed at all times to avoid inconvenience to the customers.
  • Email address: the email address of the owner should be printed clearly below the telephone number.
  • Address: The complete address at which the office is located should be mentioned in the footer. In the case of multiple offices, all the flagship stores should be mentioned in the footer and divided into two or three columns as required.
  • Phone number of the office(s): the landline numbers, as well as the mobile number(s) of the office Manager(s), should be mentioned on the letterhead below the office address.
  • Fax: The number on which the fax can be sent should be printed below the phone number.

A business depends heavily on its public image. A well-made, clear, and concise letterhead that is printed on all business documents goes a long way in establishing a business’s reputation and giving it an air of respectability and hence must not be taken lightly. The font used, the colors selected and the type of paper on which it is printed, all contribute to the final appearance of the letterhead.


Building material office letterhead template
Building material office letterhead template

Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 3MB


Building material office letterhead template
Building material office letterhead template

Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 3MB


Building material office letterhead template
Building material office letterhead template

Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 3MB


Building material office letterhead template
Building material office letterhead template

Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 3MB


Building material office letterhead template
Building material office letterhead template

Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 3MB

Building material office letterhead template
Building material office letterhead template

Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 3MB

Building material office letterhead template
Building material office letterhead template

Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 3MB