Clothing Brand Office Letterheads

A clothing brand represents a particular manufacturer, distributor, or seller of clothes. Every brand has its own design philosophy which dictates its aesthetics. Different brands cater to different genders, ages, and income groups. Some companies make western clothes only while others cater to the local fashion. Sportswear brands have their own market.

A letterhead is in essence a summary of all that a brand represents and the clientele it aims to serve. It is present on the header and the footer of all pages the business uses for internal and external communiqué. It is important that the information given is concise but complete. It serves as a marketing tool as well so the font used the type of paper used and all the other major and minor details are important and require attention and focus.

As there is no single type of clothing brand accordingly the contents of the letterhead would also vary but generally, a clothing brand’s letterhead should have the following:

Name of the clothing brand:

The name on the letterhead should be prominent and bigger than the rest of the information to capture the attention of the person looking at once. Usually, brands use a particular font and color to write their name which is in accordance with the brand values. Graceful and decent or flamboyant and playful, the font and color help build the image in accordance with the brand identity. The letterhead should have the name in the same font and color to create a brand identity.

Brand Logo:

sometimes the name of the brand is incorporated in the logo and sometimes the logo is different but either way, the Logo is an important part of the letterhead. If the logo is different than the name, then it can be placed in the upper left-hand corner of the page and the name can come in the middle of the name is the logo, it can be placed in the center of the header.

The logo should symbolize what the brand represents. For example, the logo of a sportswear brand would be very different than the logo of a brand that makes luxury pret wears for ladies. The logo should denote the spirit of the brand.

Brand Slogan or Tagline:

Brands often have slogans that serve to hook up their desired audience. They are chosen carefully to develop and establish the brand’s unique image in the customer’s minds. It is important that this slogan is also a part of the letterhead.

Store locations:

It is important to mention the locations as well as contact numbers of the branches to facilitate the customer. This helps the customer to get in touch with the store supervisor directly if they have any queries like store timings or closing days etc. This part is usually added in the footer in a smaller font than the contents of the header. If the number of the stores is big, only the flagship stores are mentioned.

Website address:

E-Commerce has changed the world in recent times. The easy accessibility to multiple options, the ability to compare the products and their prices without hassle or facing crowds has made online shopping very popular. Every brand has a website where they sell their products online.

When the customers see the letterhead, and the tag line or the logo capture their attention and they want to know more about your brand, mentioning the website right underneath, ensures that they can check out your products without difficulty.

Increased website traffic means increased sales, so it is very important that the email address is clearly displayed in the header.

The letterhead is important because it gives a professional touch to all the documents used for internal and external communication. It can serve as an impressive marketing tool and all the important information the brand wishes to communicate can be contained in a clear and concise way.

This makes it easy for the customers to understand what to expect from a brand, which age groups it caters to, and what is the design philosophy behind the clothes. It also makes it easy to know where the stores are located.

Sample Templates


Clothing brand Office Letterhead

Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 2MB


Clothing brand Office Letterhead

Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 4MB


Clothing brand Office Letterhead

Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 4MB


Clothing brand Office Letterhead
Clothing brand Office Letterhead
Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 5MB


Clothing brand Office Letterhead

Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 3MB