Law Office Letterhead Templates

Letterheads are the pre-printed documents of communication. They are used to communicate with other businesses, clients, customers, and for various other purposes. The importance of letterheads in business is undeniable and every business strives to design their letterheads efficiently and actively that captures a good image of their business. Letterheads reflect the professionalism and credibility of a business.

For a law office or legal firm, letterheads are of utmost importance. Letterheads in law offices work for both legal and non-legal appliances and instruments. The documents sent to the court of justice and the client, for both, letterheads are used and, therefore, must be designed carefully.

A letterhead has to be captivating in design, color, and font so that it adds to professional and business communication. In legal firms, documentation is done on a large scale and every other petition has to be sent by the lawyer to the court of justice. Moreover, other small-scale work is also done through the letterheads like communicating with the client.

Content of Law Office Letterheads:

  1. Name of the Law Office: The name of the legal firm or the law office which is officially recognized must be mentioned at the top. It must be written in large font and should look apparent.
  2. Logo of the Legal Firm: If the law office uses a logo to make their business and work recognize and stand out, that logo must be printed on the letterheads. The logo can be printed either on the left top or right top of the page, but it should be the one that is used by the law office and work as their recognition and representation.
  3. Contact Number: Official contact number i.e., the phone number must be mentioned on the letterhead. The latest trend is to print WhatsApp numbers on the letterhead which makes it easier for the clients to contact by sending messages and calls to their lawyer.
  4. Email Address: Adding your email address to the letterheads would make it look more powerful and gentle. It would complete your contact details along with your phone number.
  5. Social Media: Some law firms add their social media usernames so that their potential clients can search for them and look into the firm’s important events and updates. Moreover, social media, these days, is one of the most powerful tools to promote your organization. Therefore, it is better to use social media icons and mention usernames.
  6. Address: A precise and accurate address of the organization must be mentioned on the letterhead.

Importance of Law Office Letterheads:

Letterheads are of utmost importance for legal firms and organizations as they work publicly and have to impart a strong image of their firm to their clients. Using letterheads increases professionalism in the work and imparts a great amount of trust to potential clients. It enhances the marketing of the organization; hence, it is a kind of branding of the law office/firm.

Various online tools and websites are available on the internet that provides customizable letterheads for a law office that look amazing in their designs and give a professional outlook to the document and communication.

Sample Templates


Law office Letterhead Templates
Law office Letterhead Templates
Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 3MB


Law office Letterhead Templates
Law office Letterhead Templates
Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 4MB


Law office Letterhead Templates
Law office Letterhead Templates
Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 3MB


Law office Letterhead Templates
Law office Letterhead Templates
Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 5MB


Law office Letterhead Templates
Law office Letterhead Templates
Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 4MB