Charity Organization Letterhead Templates

Millions of people in the world are unable to meet their necessities of food, clothes, and shelter due to various reasons. Being a citizen of a country, they are all entitled to the above-mentioned necessities by their government. But governments are not able to take care of their people because of inequality, lack of education, child labor, lack of medical facilities, and much more. People live on the streets and feed on garbage to keep themselves alive, but lack of proper attention and malnutrition get the better of them and they succumb to death.

Charity organizations are created by government and private sectors to help people in need and provide them with a balanced life. These organizations are not able to cater to all homeless and needy, but they strive to do good through small gestures. Charity organizations gather funds from different resources such as businessmen, industrialists, philanthropists, and other wealthier citizens and use those funds for the betterment of the needy by providing them with food and sources to earn a decent living.

Letterheads are defined as the heading on a sheet of paper. This heading is mostly printed and provides the necessary information. Letterheads are common papers with printed headings and are used for prescriptions, receipts, bills, etc.

Charity organization letterhead paper can be printed from anywhere and provide the following information,

  • Name of organization
  • Logo of organizations
  • Address
  • Contact information of organization
  • Director of organization
  • Contact information
  • Quote

Above mentioned information is mostly provided on the letterhead to keep the readers well-informed. Letterhead at a charity organization can be used for the following purposes,

  • To provide receipts of donations to the donor
  • To make an inventory of essentials
  • To keep bills of the eatables
  • To keep records of providing donations to the needy


Letterheads can be designed by the administration of the organization as they are well aware of all the requirements and can create designs on Microsoft Word which can later be printed on decided paper.

In addition, templates of generally used letterheads are also available on the internet which can be easily used after they are downloaded and required fields are filled with the desired information. Most of the templates are free and can be used without any hassle whereas, some specific templates are not available rather they are locked and can only be used after paying their charging price. These prices are slotted by authors to earn money from their templates.

Moreover, freelancing websites on the internet are provided with skilled freelancers, who can customize templates according to your requirements and deliver within no time.


There are positives and negatives of every new thing, and they cannot be denied. Sometimes positive aspects weigh more than negatives. Similarly, positive aspects of letterheads are mentioned below,

  • Letterhead exempts you from providing the contact information to all clients as it is already mentioned
  • Donors have official receipts of their donations which they like to keep
  • Organization can be held responsible if the letterhead copy of any receipt or bill is under inquiry

Sample Templates


Charity organization letterhead template
Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 2MB


Charity organization letterhead template
Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 2MB


Charity organization letterhead template
Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 2MB


Charity organization letterhead template
Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 2MB


Charity organization letterhead template
Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″
Size: 2MB

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