Primary School Letterhead Templates

Various notices need to be communicated to parents from their kid’s schools. These are professional and must be presented in this way. If messages are given childishly and carelessly, parents will not take the school seriously. The school must create good and appropriate letterheads to communicate messages.

What is a Primary School Letterhead?

A primary school letterhead tends to be the heading present on the document of some primary school. It has the school’s logo, address, as well as contact information.

Importance of a Primary School Letterhead

The letterhead shows how professional and reliable the school is. It helps in increasing its image. Parents will be satisfied that their kids are going to a good school. If messages are communicated without letterhead and carelessly, parents do not get a good impression.

It is easy to know who the message is from when parents see the details of the school on it. The letterhead gives an identity to documents of the primary school such as letters, notices, etc. It develops the school’s identity. The design tells how serious, credible, as well as professional the school is.

Tips to create a Primary School Letterhead:

Make a primary school letterhead for the school’s documents, website, notices, agreements, etc. by considering the following tips:

  • Microsoft Word: The letterhead can be typed and edited in Microsoft Word so that it looks professional. It can then be printed.
  • Colors that represent the school: Choose those colors which represent the school. The design elements must give the message of the school. The signature school colors can be used and added to the letterhead. People should be able to recognize the school by simply seeing the colors of the letterhead. Schools have certain colors that represent them. It can be any color. Learn what color psychology is and the role it plays in people’s minds. You can then figure out what colors will be best for your school. They will be used in many areas like the uniform, logo, etc. Therefore, you must select them carefully.
  • Basic details: You need to add the basic information about the school. It includes the school’s name, contact information, address, fax, phone number, website, email address, etc. You must select a readable and formal font for the details. The recipient should be able to easily read it.
  • School logo: The logo is an important part of the letterhead. If you do not have a logo create one that conveys what the institution stands for. The logo must harmonize with all the other details on the letterhead. It must be designed so that it tells what the school stands for.
  • Minimal design: Do not make the document look untidy and hectic by including too many design details. It should not be much. The information given on the letterhead must be simple to read by the reader. They must not be confused with the colors of the design. It is better not to add many colors and typography. It will allow the letterhead to look unprofessional. However, be sure that the design develops visual interests as well as shows the seriousness of the document. The look must give a positive message to the reader. Try and make it look unique but professional.
  • Image: If you want you can include an image on the letterhead. But, as said above, it must not make it look unprofessional. The image can be of a happy and sunny day and kids playing. It will be in cartoon format for instance. You do not have to add any image if you do not want to.

Final Words:

The primary school letterhead can be created and saved as a template. You can then use it whenever needed for all documents of the institution. It is an important part of notices, announcements, messages, etc. and so should be made with care. The above points can be kept in mind when making it.

Give it a professional look so that readers take its message and the primary school seriously. Research on colors, designs, etc., and how they affect readers. You will then be able to create something that looks professional and conveys the message of the school.

High School Letterhead Template



Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″

Size: 496 KB


High School Letterhead Template



Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″

Size: 928 KB


High School Letterhead Template



Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″

Size: 914 KB


High School Letterhead MS Word



Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″

Size: 1167 KB


High School Letterhead Template



Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″

Size: 1944 KB


High School Letterhead Template



Dimension: 8.5″ x 11″

Size: 399 KB


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